The Chamber
The Middletown Area Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to promoting business and enhancing the quality of life in the Southern New Castle County area. Chamber members take leading roles in important community and business programs, working to enhance and preserve the special life-style that is unique to Middletown, Odessa, and Townsend (MOT) communities. We are actively involved in fostering economic development and community spirit for the MOT, Delmarva region and surrounding areas. #maccde #funchamber
Member Testimonials
I just wanted to send a quick note of praise. While unfortunately we haven’t been able to participate in many things this year due to our overflowing plates (Thrive & 4 kids home) I wanted to let you know how impressed I am by everything you guys do. Your emails are always awesome, and it is obvious how much time and effort you put into trying to get us local businesses all helpful and pertinent information. Looking forward to when we can participate in some of the fun stuff again, but in the meantime just know we are grateful for all your hard work. Hope you all are well!
Kevin & Carrie ~ Thrive Physical Therapy
The Middletown Area Chamber of Commerce is here to support you, your businesses, and our community.
Be sure to utilize your MACC dashboard to update your information, add in promotions, hot deals or coupons, virtual webinars or other items that you would like to share on the MACC website.
You can also take advantage of free or low cost online training for yourself or your staff:
Thank you for your continued support of our local business community!
The Middletown Business Incubator & Collaborative Workspace (MBI)
The Middletown Business Incubator and Collaborative Workspace (MBI) serves as an enterprise business center that provides resources for businesses and entrepreneurs. By inspiring entrepreneurship through opportunity, the MBI fosters economic growth for the MOT and surrounding areas.
Thank You to our Partners


MS Independent





Long & Greenberg




Happy Place